Certification of laundries
wfk-seal for textile hygiene
The wfk-seal for textile hygiene attests that in your company the textiles will be reprocessed according to the state of the art and can therefore be used in hygienically sensitive areas like hospital and health care sector as well as food industry. It enables you to demonstrate the adequate hygienic reprocessing of the textiles to your customers and thus to strengthen the confidence in your services and products.
The judgement of the textile reprocessing followed defined criteria which will be proved in annual laundry visits. During the visit the following parameters will be checked:
- structural conditions
- general organisational conditions
- established management systems
- hygiene
- process engineering
Additionally internal controls for quality assurance are necessary.
Laundries and textile service enterprises which reprocess hospital textiles have to fulfil the requirements to the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) and have to establish a hygiene management system according DIN EN 14065 (RABC). For the reprocessing of textiles from the food sector a hygiene management system DIN EN 14065 (RABC) has to exist which fulfils the requirements of the IFS, the BRC and the DIN 10524.
wfk-seal for gentleness to textiles
The wfk-seal for gentleness to textiles is useful for companies which reprocess customer-owned textiles and can be awarded in addition to the wfk-seal for textile hygiene. With this seal you can demonstrate that the gentleness of your washing procedures is according to the state of the art.